some thoughts on fashion and intelligence

August Luchet: Last briefly and change often, appear rather than be—that is what suffices.

Errol Flynn: My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income.

Bulwer-Lytton: The world considers eccentricity in great things genius, in small things folly.

Honoré de Balzac: In order to be fashionable, one must enjoy rest without having experienced work… Like steam engines, men regimented by work all look alike… The man instrument is a social zero.

‘If you want your children to be intelligent,
read them fairy tales.
If you want them to be very intelligent,
read them more fairy tales…’ — Einstein.

ha! now I have it under control.

beer and dessert!

Woke up early today and went for the 10am show of Karate Kid with a friend. Movie was not too bad though a very pale shadow of the original and the infantile sob story of the Mr. Miyage counterpart made us laugh. Then we joined some more of our friends for lunch at a drinking place and had a lot of beer and gossip. Yes! you read right. I treat gossip as an edible! And then some great great dessert. Gooey chocolate. It was still not close to my latest discovery of having dessert along with beer (!!!)  but still good. Man, I am still feeling light.